We build the latest generation fiber network

We build the latest generation fiber network

About our network


We are the leading fiber expert in the Netherlands, and believe everyone should have access to lightning fast fiber internet. Our network is making this possible for more and more people.

DELTA Network

DELTA Fiber is a Dutch telecom company with a network throughout the country. We are continuously expanding our network, meaning and increasing number of people have access to fast internet. About 1.7 million households and companies already have the option to subscribe to our network.
Kaart van Nederland

1.7 million



new connections per month


Peoply working on our network on a daily basis
Internet, TV and calling

Internet, TV and calling

DELTA goes beyond its fiber network. We offer internet with the highest speeds, interactive TV, calling, landline and mobile. And of course, we combine this with the very best customer service. For example, we install Wi-Fi at people’s home to the roof.

Our latest news


DELTA has the fastest customer service

20 December 2023